27.08.2008 Tuesday
So excited coz tomolo back home le!!hehe...After school few of us went to Warisan Square to shop n eat lunch thr... V met ah Lam walking downstairs n ah Long, Carmen, Siu Tung at Wong Kok Restaurant... They asked us to join them sing k but v din cos i wanna go shopping.hehe... I ordered a man tou + ham for my lunch. It costed me rm7++... the man tou not nice...
Then Beng n i went to shop while Vc n Gie went to Centre coz v dun wan them to follow us. hehe... 1st v went to Roxy but not many nice goods thr so v went to Padini.. Hmm saw some nice shirts, so called mummy n she said okay for me to buy, as well as for her n bro.Muahaha.. nice to hear.. then i start to try on the gourments n i like the brown stripes shirt so much!!! Wheni 1st put on it, i really look like a ZEBRA man!!! Beng cant stop laughing thr... But when i pull up the sleeves, it looks diff!!! Then i decided to walked to Esprit n look around 1st b4 i buy tat. May b i can find a better 1... I saw a shirt tat suits my mum so i called her again but she ask me to look for some claasy shirt coz she need to go to my neighbour's wedding dinner soon. It's very hard for me to find classy shirt here. So i went to SEED n i found none...
Then Angie called up, n she sounded like she is not so free. So v bought some Big Apple n went to Secret Recipe. Both Beng n i wanna buy something back... After tat, V went to Segama coz Beng need to buy "Rou Gan".
I went back after tat n start packing my luguage n clean up my room. Coz Beng going to sleep over later. During dinner time, i saw Estly came back n i felt so suprise coz such a long time din c her!! So v all decided to watch Meet Dave together when Beng reach my home. V waited her until 9.30++.. Even my pizza oso arrive le!!! (Special thx to Eddie for the nice Pizza)
V had a fun time laughing n having feast thr... (Big Apple doughnuts, chips, Daim, Pizza)hehe... Then Beng n i went back to my room after movie n start chatting n playing games. V slept at about 1a.m ++
Yo yo!!! Tomolo back Home!!!!
Sunday, 31 August 2008Posted by Jasnie at 22:07 0 comments
My 18th Birthday
Saturday, 30 August 200823.08.08
Well well, I'm 18 now!!!hehe.. Great!! I receive a lot of greetings n blessing frm my lovely frens.. Thx yo! The 1st ppl to greet me rite at 12 a.m is Nga Nga, follow up by Megan,Eunice, Vincent Kwong, Gabriel n many more(sorry cant mention all) But i appreciate it n thx again!!!
My birthday was celebrate (the simple 1) at Lena's house coz the failure suprise that v prepared for her... (refer to my past blog) Lena gave me a big bag of presents including a Snoopy (my favourite cute doggie), a mug, a Hawaiian shoes key chain, love letter. Muahaha...
When i reach school Ah Lung, Sheryl, Arryn, Mei San, Christy, CKB n many more(sorry cant mention all again) greeted me too.. So happy... Then few of us planned where to go after school n tried to book cake at Secret Recipe. But they all cheated me, they said no more Classic cheese cake left in all 3 Secret Recipe's outlets.. Sob sob.. wat to do... Then thay all changed their mind again, they wanna go 1Borneo instead of Centre to watch movie.Okay...
V ate our lunch at Old Town. I ordered a rendang Nasi Lemak. Then v headed to GSC to watch movie. " Wall E". Met Kevin n Bryon they all at cinema, watching the same movie.. The movie was so so but kinda educating...After movie, v walked around for a while n Lena followed her parents while Angie n Vincent went "dating".
After tat, v went home n they said will picked me up at night n go to Secret Recipe for celebration. They apologised to me coz they cant find the classic cheesecake. they say they'll put all 12 slices of cakes together n make it a special cake... then i pretended to be down in the car n refused to go home coz i knw they have some evil plan going on... hehe... Angie oso said tat she cant picked me up after she answered a phone frm her mum. Coz she need to do smthing 1st. She ask me to follow Kwong's car...
Then i went home n cooked myself an instant noodles coz my celebration only start around 9. No dinner for me today... After i took my bath, i wait for Kwong to fetch me in the meanwhile i sms with ah Wah. So miss u oh, So lou!!! But i thk v only can meet again during next year de CNY... So miss to tease u!!!keke...
After Kwong picked joey, Franco n i up, he said he wanted to buy something at City Mall 1st... I oso din thk too much, i just followed him. He asked us to go down for a whule n the shop is just situated at 1st floor. When i walked pass Halo Cafe i saw all of my frens were thr. Ooo i knw wat happened!!!! Is their evil plan!!! haha..
Posted by Jasnie at 17:44 0 comments
Thursday, 28 August 2008对不起 刚才我是不是听错
天气不错 开了窗 吹走脸红
进一步 退一步 都害怕打破
下定决心沉默 就让沉默为我们追究
你和我 这一刻 不想到而交流
一字一句一瞬间 走了火
一天一点一转眼 入了魔
如果可以 把如果变成结果
下定决心执着 就让执着为我们突破
一字一句一瞬间 走了火
一天一点一转眼 入了魔
一字一句一瞬间 走了火
一天一点一转眼 入了魔
放肆一次 走火入魔
Posted by Jasnie at 22:15 0 comments
Birthday Partiessssssss
22.08.08 Friday
Lena's buttday!! so v decided to give her a surprise party while in the mean while v pretended tat v din help celebrate... Actually she oledi knw our plan on giving her a suprise. Coz v acted too "lousily"... Even CCM oso cant stopped frm giggling beside... Hai...
After school v went to Strawberry n bought a yam cheese cake for Lena. At 1st, v wanted to choose blueberry but v wanted to try a new flavour... Yam... Make me thk of Ah Yung(Yam pudding..huh???) kaka... He should understand wat i say...Bet he wont forget...hehe..
Around 9.30, Angie came to fetch me v Adeline n Vincent... Angie was laughing at Vc, she said he looked like Jordan Chan wearing those big size hip hop shirt.. haha... After tat v went to fetch Beng n wanted to put the cheese cake into her fridge.. v were sitting inside Angie's car, outside Beng's house for Lena to come back frm her celebration wf her family... V waited n waited... Av1 tried to msg her n called her to c where was she. Is so hard for us to knw where is she coz v dun wan her to knw v were waiting for her...
Tis 5 crazy ppl waited for about 2 hours outside ppl's house with the mosquitoes.. ZZzzz... At last, the gurl reached home n v went to her house n she was waited beside the window... She knew it!!! Grr.. Made us waited her for so long n v tot v can surprise her but v din!!! Failure!!! Total failure!!!
Then v went into her house for the failure n so called surprise (It was not). I ended up celebrate v Lena coz it's oledi almost 12..
Posted by Jasnie at 17:51 0 comments
Another Late Post
Wednesday, 27 August 200816.08.08 (Saturday)
I wake up about 10 tis morning. It’s kinda unusual for me to wake up so late.. Coz I thk I stay up too late last nite. After tat, my aunt brought me to eat breakfast at Hilltop thr. V ate at Kar Hiong Ngiu Chap thr. The ngiu chap thr not as nice as wat I ate b4. I only like the raddish n the meats balls…
My Ngiu Chap
Then v went home coz aunt need to bring baby Darryl for injection. I online at home n watched Olympics. After they were back, v watched Gymnastics n Badminton together while waiting baby Darryl to wake up from his sleep. Around 3p.m, v went out to Fook Seng to eat something coz v did not take our lunch. By tat time I was oledi very excited, coz I soon need to c my idol…. I was dying to c him!!! Adore him very much!!!! Judy!!!! Soooooooooooo handsome!!haha….
After tat, Joey n I quickly rushed home to take our bath. My uncle sent us to 1
The show started with the stupid, lousy, not handsome MC giving out gift voucher. (U’ll knw y I said tat) Tat MC really treated the VIP invisible, keep on giving voucher to the ppl standind behind n at the side. Not only tis, he ignored my hand when he called out volunteers to play with Judy!!! Judy noticed me but the MC din called me!!! Make me really very very angry with him!!!!
The show started with Judy’s performance. Followed up by
After the music festival, I went to ta pau supper (actually it was my dinner) at
17.08.08 ( Sunday)
Disappointed Sunday!!! Din manage to go 1
18.08.08 (Monday)
Still feel a bit down down today…Hai… Judy!!! Dunno when can c
I changed my practical to Friday coz need to follow Eddie’s car to my aunt house. I’m gonna put braces tomorrow. Keke.. tat day I really got a shock when I knew tat Eddie is staying so near my aunt’s house!!! Less than 30 steps can reach his home. (I guess) We went to Yoyo to have a drink while i’m waiting for my aunt. No1 at home tat time n I forgot to bring the keys with me… V chatted at Yoyo til about 4…
19.08.08 (Tuesday)
Today I put on braces. It took me about 1 hour to put the braces in my mouth. I chose peachy pink n yellow bands. Actually I wan light green, but due to some external factors I tot the yellow 1 was green… hehe… I was not very painful at tat moment. Roger n Angie came to pick me up at hospital n v saw Hong Ming standing outside the hospital too.
After tat v went to ta pau fried kuew tiau at Damai. School was so hot n dark coz thr was no electricity tat time. The Lan ppl were oso doing their inspectation tat time. I regretted for going back school coz no lecture was on due to no current n the LAN thingy… So hot hot hot!!!! N the whole lecture hall stinks!!
20.08.08 (Wednesday)
Wat a nice figure today, 20.08.2008. But for me, it is kinda bad day for me. 1st, I forgot to bring my phones, student card n money to school. So, I went back to take them during my free period.
My teeth was very painful n numb today until I dun have mood listen during lectures. It worsen during bio tutorial, really dunno wat is Ms. Joanna talking about… my head was like wanna crack!!! After school I went to buy bread at Damai n went home. I took “Panadol” n slept until 6.30… then woke up for dinner n took bath… My head was still painful tat time…
The braces cut my mouth at the corner part n 2 ulcers r found in my mouth. So suffering, cant eat hard food, cant bite food properly n I need to use scissors to cut up all the food b4 send in to my mouth. Troublesome!!!
Posted by Jasnie at 14:11 0 comments
New Chat Space
Friday, 15 August 2008Hey all, I've added a new chat space rite at the bottom of my blog. So no need to be so troublesome to leave comments for me. Thx!!!
Posted by Jasnie at 22:45 2 comments
Tagged by Zhing
Wednesday, 13 August 2008Instructions: Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. At what age do you wish to marry?
28 to 30
2. What is your most favorite thing to do?
Fool around with frenz, talking, singing...(haha)
3. If you have a close close close friend since childhood who loves to take away whatever you like, including guys/girls, and he/she always wins, will you still consider him/her your friend?
If he or she did tis, i dun thk he or she is consider to be my close fren. close fren wont did tat to me!!!!
4. What would you give up in return to eat all you want in the world and not get fat?
Wat can i give up? Hmm, i thk i rather dun eat...hehe..
5. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
Live a good life
6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
Definitely no!!!! Impossible!!!
7. What are you afraid to lose the most?
Family,him n frens (of course)
8. What do you feel like doing, right now?
Hmm, let tat of my dream comes true... Wat is tat???(secret)
9. If there's someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
May be not... It takes me a lot of boldness for me to do so... But if something went wrong with my brain, may be i'll do so....
10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
Kind, caring, frenly
11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Love me with all of his heart
Characteristics: tall(at least taller than me), cute, love to smile, playful (like me)
12. What is the thing that will make you think he/she is bad?
Doing anything tat is not civilised
13. What is your ambition?
Dentist??? or something related to pharm chem...(hope so)
14. Is anyone really perfect?
15. How would you describe yourself?
Like to fool around, frenly, emo (sometimes),lack of self confidence
16. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
Lack of self confidence
17. Who is the person that you can share all your problems with?
18. How do you see yourself in 20 years time?
Living happily with my HIM n kids.hehe...
19. If someone had found a path to immortality to be bestowed upon you in exchange for one of your abilities, would you take it, and what would you sacrifice for it?
I rather not to be immmortal, it's not beneficial
20. Where would you propose to your girlfriend? or would you propose to your boyfriend?
Somewhere romantic n quiet
I wanna tagged
(Not much ppl for me to tag)
Posted by Jasnie at 20:26 0 comments
Late post
05.08.08 Tuesday
Wat boring days… the whole morning I just day dream in class, din listen lectures. I dun really like Tuesday lessons, coz to me is kinda boring. Pure maths, Biology n Stats… like usual I dun listen to maths n stats lectures as I relly not into numbers, while bio just so so…. I do pay attention during lecture but it was just too formal n I will feel tired easily. Since today I was just not in the mood to study so I just physically present during bio lecture, but I did try hard to concentrate. Haha….
Uncle: Wat??? No no no!!! Y I wanna let u search through my house??? Do u have any warrant??
Us: No!!! V r not here to search ur hse,v wan recyclables….(trying hard to explain)
Uncle: Oh, ya I do have. U guys come in. My gate is not locked…
Wat a funny uncle… haha.. Indeed he did help us a lot.. Angie’s car were full pf the newspaper tat he gave us. Haha.. then v all went back to Dez’s house to unload…. Here comes the big boss (Mr Ian Ng). Gosh, he came so early man!!! He skipped Stats lecture n went out. He even asked Dez to take his attendance coz he was saying tat he will be back in a short while…. At last, of course he din show up… Hai.. it’s normal for him to do tis kind of thing…
After v finished collected those stuffs, Beng, Gie, Lena, Soon Hong n I went to Room 25 n bought some nice n refreshing drinks..
During physics free periods, Gie, Lena, Jessie n I went to Dez’s house to transfer the recyclables to school. Today Gie drove her Cygnus n therefore v did not need to come n go so many times to clear the ‘rubbish’.
After MS, the few of us stayed back n helped for the recycling campaign. (As usual, v r so hardworking) Haha… Today, not many ppl were helping out. All went back to study chem… N guess wat??? I found Avan’s step by step chem book on the floor!!! haha… I to the dun need tat book anymore… Actually he just forgot to bring tat back n dunno y ended up on the floor… I went back about 8 n started studying after my shower n dinner… luckily I drank some tea just now to keep me awake…
Today I had my chem test… Luckily I din failed.. keke… Then only I knw tat our paper was the same with IS!!! Hai.. I told CKB is not the same!!! Tats my luck! During 1st break, I saw CKB n I told him tat. He said not only I so stupid. Eddie oso told him tat v will b having structure que, so CKB tot is diff paper… Hai, Eddie, v r equally stupid!!! Haha…
Posted by Jasnie at 09:08 4 comments
Happy Lunar Bday!!!
Monday, 4 August 2008Ariel Lin???
During my last period, Sin Yee came over to my place n pass me a survey form, it was so so so troublesome!!! Where can u find a survey form with 5 pages n lots of things to rate??? It was frm Sabah Inti college student..... at 1st, i still write something, but i rate n rate still got some more coming up, at last i gave up!!!!i even use tat survey form to soak the water on my table... haha... bad gurl... Coz b4 tat Angie, Beng n CVC were playing water at my place....
The annoying survey form....
So many tables!!!!
Ok, tat's all for today.... By the way, Happy Buttday Avan Ling!!!Bye~
Posted by Jasnie at 20:17 2 comments
Sunday 03.08.08
Posted by Jasnie at 19:51 0 comments
SS day!!!
Sunday, 3 August 2008Today a few ppl of my gang went to watch “The Mummy 3”. It’s quite interesting… Not tat scary as in wat I was thinking b4 I went to watch it…. Even ah beng oso say it’s not scary… haha.. So those who r wondering to go or not, Jas advises u to go watch it. Or else u’ll regret…lolx..
Before v went for movie, v ate at ‘Wong Kok’ so called hong kong restaurant…. The food thr were EWWWW…. Taste bad, man!!!! I remember last few times I went thr, the food was ok but tis time is really terrible!!!! Later I’ll show u all the pictures of the food. It’s way so diff frm wat it shows on the menu… the food r so salty!!!! Special thx to Jessica (Beng’s sis) too… She treated us for the lunch, perhaps she was sooooooooooo happy tat I said she looks slimmer… haha…. But 1 compliment for the reataurant is their drinks r not bad, so do their snacks, just tat their meals were not good enough…. Tis meal costs us RM 43.10…
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Rite after the meal, desperado Jas quickly asked the waiter for the bill then rush to saloon located opposite “Wong Kok” reastaurant for a hair cut…..Hmm, luckily no customer inside tat time, so tat I can be the 1st customer to be served. Muahaha…. Coz I’m rushing for the movie at 4.40 p.m.. By tat time I went for the haircut is oledi 4.05p.m.. phew…. Luckily the professional hairstylist manged to finish cutting my ‘bush’ by 4.30p.m.. Sorry, ccm, roger, Vincent, Angie n Beng… make u guys wait for me n nearly late for the movie..
Luckily,when v reach the cinema it only started showing advertisements….The movie is nice, just tat the sissy gang sitting behind me keep kicking my seat… Stupid “ah Gua” gang!!!! Laughing for nonsense somemore….ISH!!!!! spoil my mood to watch movie…
After movie, ah beng n I went fot “ta pau” at damai at a restaurant called ‘1 + 1’…. Coz she need to buy food for her grandma n I need to buy for myself since Vincent n Angie said they gotta go home for dinner… I ordered a sweet n sour fish + rice n it costs me RM6. When beng n I stepped in the car, Angie said both of them r not going home for dinner…. Haiz….. y dun they decide earlier???? Now make me eat the “ta pau” in car n they all go to Wagamama eat sushi…. Hai…. N the so called ‘sweet n sour fish’ is tasteless….
Angie’s ‘stick together’ sushi….lolx…
Desperado Vincent dunno wat to eat… looking at the sushi train…
At last he ordered a salmon sushi….
Tat’s all they ate!!!! Sooooo many for the 3 of them!!!
The bill costs them RM33.55 for few plates of sushi…
Well, tat’s all from me for today… Bye…
Posted by Jasnie at 11:40 0 comments
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